Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council Endorses U.S. Representative Greg Stanton for Re-Election in Arizona’s Fourth Congressional District
The Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council (AZBTC) is pleased to announce its endorsement of U.S. Representative Greg Stanton for re-election in Arizona’s Fourth Congressional District in the 2024 election.
Representative Greg Stanton has been a steadfast ally of the building and construction trades during his tenure in Congress. His unwavering commitment to advocating for fair wages, improving infrastructure, and ensuring safe working conditions has significantly benefited our industry and the hardworking individuals it employs.

“Congressman Greg Stanton has consistently championed the causes that matter most to our members,” said Solomon Galyon, AZBTC Business Manager. “His track record of supporting legislation that promotes job creation, strengthens labor rights, and invests in Arizona’s infrastructure demonstrates his dedication to improving the lives of working families.”
The AZBTC is confident that Representative Stanton will continue to be a strong advocate for our community, working tirelessly to ensure that the interests of Arizona’s building and construction trades are represented in Washington, D.C.
About AZBTC: The Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council has served Arizona’s construction labor unions for more than 50 years. Now representing 20,000 members, the Council works with its affiliates, labor partners, and contractors to provide and continue to grow an exceptional construction labor force.